Thursday, January 28, 2010

this fine week at good ole crosscurrent(s)

well... this week was unique in its own way thats for sure! first off a lot of people were snowed in at home till tuesday so we had quite a shortage of students here. That definitely had its pros and cons. I have nothing against any of the missing cross current students but having less was definitely amazing for those 2 days. We watched a lot of movies this week, and for me it was a good refresher of human injustices which I had already forgotten about. Thursday afternoon was a amazing change of pace as we journeyed into the fabulous city of winterpeg. While in winnipeg we did a number of things, including bulk food shopping, pet shopping, starting conversations with homeless people or just random people sitting somewhere in portage place mall. We also watched a video at Mennonite Disaster Service base in the city. It was good to see the their are a lot of different "ministries" that seem to have their heart in the right place. so this week was really good in my opinion because it had some change in pace, we did some service outside of our bubble called winkler bible camp AND we even had a young lady from texas come and hang out for the week with us! her name was hannah

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