Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A few insights from Lloyd Letkeman

Chrispy : Ezekiel 11:19, 36:26. Like Timothy you have a head and a heart. That is, you speak truth in love. The teacher in you loves to research, be curious and play with thoughts. Your heart is soft and you have the capacity for compassion. These two gifts together are very complementary. You can speak to the mind and heart and help others grasp the transformation Jesus has for them. (sometimes teachers are harsh and compassionate people spend their life wounded. Your dual gift will keep you strong for others as you abide in Christ.)

Chris : Romans 12:6, Jeremiah 33:3, I Corinthians 14:3. I see you like a secret service bodyguard. You have an earpiece connected to the control centre. God gifts with you with moment-by-moment strategy. Your role is to strengthen, encourage and comfort others as you listen to God.

Riley & Jeremy: Judges 13, Numbers 6:1-21. Like Samson, I see you as a Nazirite, making a vow to God. Others look to you for a moral compass. Listen and walk in humility. Samson totally screwed up his Nazirite calling. However, if you put the needs of the community before your own, you will fulfill this calling. Nazarites were to demonstrate repentance and be people of peace.

Dave: Proverbs 9:4-6, Ezekiel 2:8. I sense God wants to feed you. There is a connection between your mouth and listening to the voice of God in the scriptures. Maybe it is time to fill-up on the Word, to read, to study and get to know the Bible. The more scripture you know, the greater your capacity to hear the voice of God.

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