Friday, January 29, 2010

This Ugly World

Looking at this week, someone could say we just learned more about how this ugly world operates, but as a Christian, I learned more and more fully about why dying on the cross as God's Son was the only thing that was going to save this dark world and why we aren't already in heaven; this world needs Jesus and we're the only ones that know Him. The prisoners, prostitutes, widows, orphans, victims of violence, and everyone else that are trapped and hurting need love, but more importantly ultimate love, the agape love, the kind I experience everyday. So why is it so hard to love like that? Because it's inconvenient. Being a Christian is inconvenient. It means I represent Christ, shoes too big to fill on my own, but thanks to Jesus I don't have to because when I'm human, forgiveness is right there and grace and mercy are easily mine. Being like Christ also means my heart, hands and feet have to be in it. The end of Matthew 25 kept coming to mind. Where helping the sick, hungry, naked, imprisoned, etc. is more a commandment than an option. The concept of compartmentalizing came up this week as well. Where I can't compartmentalize my life. Where I'll have sleep time, eating time, relaxing time, work time and then ministry/Christian time. Christ is in all parts of life.
I will never be able to shop the same way again. After spending some time in the mall just looking at the people around me as human beings, too, all who have families and problems, too, I won't ever be able to buy a t-shirt without wondering who made it or seeing the people outside the store and wondering how long they've been sitting there.
Having Hannah Newlin speak to us about where she's been and what she's passionate about was a huge blessing. She reminded me that there is hope. Hope amidst all the disaster.

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