Monday, December 14, 2009

Daniel: Behind the Book

The story of Daniel is a story of someone who goes from having his land ravaged and being taken away to a faraway place against his will, to be being put into a high ranking position next to the king. All of this happened because Daniel refused to compromise. He refused to turn away from God and give up his religion and his customs.
What Daniel does is actually very brave in my opinion. He is in a new place with new customs and is being educated in their ways and instead of giving in to them and their ways he risks his life by following God. That is something that we could all learn from Daniel. We should be able to live life for God without fear of the consequences and without caring what other people think about.
The way that I can apply the book of Daniel to my own life would be to not fall into the pressure of what others are doing around me. If what they’re doing is bad of course. Daniel was with 300 other people like him and him and 3 others were the only ones that stayed loyal to God. God in turn blessed them by putting them in places of authority and blessing them with the ability to interpret dreams.
From Daniel, it is obvious that God blesses those that are committed to him and that do not compromise for anything in place of him. That being said I’m going to do my best to commit myself to God and start living without fear of what other people think of me or are going to throw my way.

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