Monday, December 14, 2009
Daniel: Behind the Book
What Daniel does is actually very brave in my opinion. He is in a new place with new customs and is being educated in their ways and instead of giving in to them and their ways he risks his life by following God. That is something that we could all learn from Daniel. We should be able to live life for God without fear of the consequences and without caring what other people think about.
The way that I can apply the book of Daniel to my own life would be to not fall into the pressure of what others are doing around me. If what they’re doing is bad of course. Daniel was with 300 other people like him and him and 3 others were the only ones that stayed loyal to God. God in turn blessed them by putting them in places of authority and blessing them with the ability to interpret dreams.
From Daniel, it is obvious that God blesses those that are committed to him and that do not compromise for anything in place of him. That being said I’m going to do my best to commit myself to God and start living without fear of what other people think of me or are going to throw my way.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Hey God! This week we’ve been studying the book of Daniel and I never realized that a book in the Old Testament could have so much impact and say in my life today! Daniel has opened my eyes to many things that I never knew before. Daniel was an amazing servant of yours and even though he was in a vulnerable time at the age that he was when he was taken from his home, he still decided that you were his God and that no one could take that from him. He was so committed to you and would not compromise his faith for anything! This has made me think soo much about my life and all the stuff that I have compromised for you before. For example, when I’m with my ’strong’ Christian friends I make way smarter decisions about what I say and what I watch then when I’m with my ‘not so strong’ Christian friends. I don’t always set a very great example for them. I sometimes act like two different people and Daniel has really reminded me that I shouldn’t compromise my beliefs or values for anything, not popularity, wealth, or even to make myself feel better. Daniel also is not afraid to live for you. He really had NO FEAR. He spoke up against some of the most powerful people in the world at the time and told them, nicely, that he wouldn’t do what they asked of him. He totally trusted you with everything and knew that you would be with him whether it meant life, or death. I would like to be able to say that I’m not afraid of death, but I have to admit that I am a little. There is some part in me that doubts. In my mind I know that you will help me through everything and I really do trust you, but yet when it comes to actually speaking aloud about my faith, I’m scared that you won’t fulfill your promise that comes in Philippians 4:13; “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”. I know I shouldn’t be but yet there is a part of me that is scared. I want to trust you completely and I pray that you would help me to overcome this fear and to be courageous like Daniel who was completely and totally committed to following you. At one point in Daniel’s reign he had the opportunity to let his people, the Jews, out of exile and back to their homeland. But Daniel didn’t do this even though it would have made total sense. You must have put him in that position of authority for that very reason. Daniel, though, didn’t assume anything and decided to listen for your voice instead of doing what seemed totally logical. He humbled himself before you and gave the entire situation into your hands. God, I also ask that you would help me to get rid of my view that you can only speak through situations that I find comfortable. I tend to think that you can only work through the good situations that I come across. The ones that already seem to be Godly and with you as the focus. Please take this view away from me and help me to get a fuller understanding of you and how you work. Also, help me to be able to understand your voice and to know when it is you speaking to me and when it is not. You are the only God for me and I pray that this would be soo evident in my life that people would instantly know, when they see me, that I belong to you. I want to burn brightly for you and to serve you with all my heart, soul, and strength. Just like Daniel, I want to have such a deep love for you that there would be no thought of ever serving something else. Please tear down anything in my life that might be becoming and idol and fill it with a deep, deep passion for you and to know you more. I ask that you would just be with me and help me to remember these lessons that you have taught me and will teach me through the great example that you have shown the world through your servant Daniel. Amen!
Daniel: The Book
There are a few different themes about Daniel that people can learn from. The most important one that I am learning from at this point would be no compromise. Throughout the first five chapters of Daniel he shows a handful of situations where he does not compromise. In each of these situations that Daniel listens to God he grows, it seems to get easier for him to do what he knows God wants. He puts his feelings from God in front of what would be logical for us. Lately, as we have been going through class I have started to apply this to my life.
Over the course of old testament class we have been given a few quiz’s, which include a section at the end where we as students are aloud to right in how much reading we have done. This is worth a portion of our quiz’s that could determine a pass or a fail. Who’s to stop us from filling out a completion of reading, even if we haven’t completed any. It always seems the logical thing to do would be to get as many marks as we can. I know I have had times in my head were I have felt like filling in a completion even though I have not finished. The only thing holding me back from doing so would be my values, which I get from the bible. Cheating is not something that christians should get into. I have grown up taught not to cheat or lie, and now is a time where I am given a choice to take that in as my own way to live. The book of Daniel has just been that much more help to me in situations were I am given the choice to cheat or lie, knowing nobody will find out. Even if it is only one time, Daniel has really helped show us that God has a plan and even if there are things that look logical to us at the time it doesn’t mean that’s what God wants.
Tomorrow I am going snowboarding with some of my friends, and I have to cough up some money for a pass. I have been given the chance to get a free pass from a friend. This is tempting, but I know it would be wrong. Even if it is a small thing like this I am working hard not to compromise and I think God put this situation in my life for a reason. I will listen to God on this one and buy a pass.
These are just a few things which the book of Daniel is helping me with in my life. I wait for further test from God and I hope I can remember Daniel’s story during these times, and always look to God first.
Jeremy Klassen
What the book of Daniel is teaching us: I think the book of daniel is teaching us many many different things that are repeated through out the book. The first thing would obviously be to not compromise. Every story about daniel in that book proves that he did not compromise and he still became the second most powerful man in Babylon.
Another thing that is repeated in this book is honesty. Daniel never once lied about his interpretations towards the King, which could of had him killed instantly if he told him the wrong thing.
Both of these things would have got Daniel killed, but YHWH made sure he didn't die. This is proving to us that YHWH is in complete control of every situation and that we should just hold true to our faith.
How this applys to us today: The Book of Daniel applies to me today because compromise is still all around us. We are still called to be honest, and YHWH still calls me to have faith that he is in control of everything.
chris hildebrandt
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Joy First...Then Food...
This one time in Mexico...
I was given the opportunity to serve, to love and to bless people and in turn be blessed.
Blessed by changing the way I think of people and the way I relate to people.
What I learned in Mexico!
pickles and cheeze :O
my favorite part of the trip was definately walking through different neighborhoods in Mexico and just meeting kids and people, and getting to know them. it was such an awesome experience. can't wait to goooo back! :D
Tales of the Margarine Brigade
Then we were on our way to Mexico. San Carlos to be specific. Mexico was a really great time of service and allowed me to realize that you don't even need to be able to talk to someone to love them. I realized so many things on this trip, I already knew to not cling to matiral things but after watching some of the people and families out there who like literally had nothing, giving and giving to us. It just made me sick to my stomach thinking about how mad we get if we miss our show or how we're always trying to get the newest/biggest/shinniest thing.
We met so many cool loving people and we worked with such awesome people who I hope I never forget. If I get the chance I'd love to go back and do more work with the people out there.
Thanks for reading, I'll probably update more later.
Oh, Betty!
Our bus had enough problems to meet the annual tradition. Between malfunctioning air brakes, an oil flood and scraping the back of a van, it would have been easiest to look at our poor circumstances and think we weren't going to go anywhere, but God was teaching me a lesson about relying on Him for EVERYTHING including ol' Betty. Our air compressor cost less than $35, shaking the bus 'cured' the air leak, and the bus was the only thing to get scratched; clearly God was the only way we got to Mexico and back on schedule. He had quite a plan for us.
P.S. Brittany I beat you praying!
You'll Never Know
Hey this is Chrispy
tylers blog
Shorty's dear big burger
Shorty had a great love for his massively oversized burger.
He had great adventures during the point in time between purchase and consumption.
But sadly, both Shorty and his grand burger both knew the eventual fate that lay ahead.
It was a short goodbye before Shorty started to chow down.
The huge freakin burger tried compromising with Shorty before its doom, but it was hopeless.
Shorty was just too bloody hungry.
The photo below shows the gruesome ending to Shorty's love
Flogging Logs
near death experience

Cali/Mexico '09
Walmart, Water Fights & Spanish
We have had one normal day back at the camp, it feels so weird to be back! The trip was really good! It's good to be home, but I really enjoyed my time out there! God taught me many things while I was away. I was in Mexico this past February working at an orphanage, so I had already experienced the language barrier; so I thought going to Mexico again would be no problem with the language! When I got there the first Saturday we did our first kids program, I came into that problem thinking it would not be hard at all, but to my surprise it was very difficult. I thought the kids thought I was a crazy canadian and they probably did, but I know I was not giving my all to them. I let my insecurities of not knowing the language get in the way of relationship building! I was like to God, I don't remember it being this hard so I prayed about it for the rest of the kids programs. God taught me again that I don't need to know the language to have relationships with these kids. They actually quite enjoying laughing at me when I try to learn new words in Spanish. In the one village where we were cementing a church floor the way I got to know some girls were by them teaching me spanish words! At the end of those two days those girls didn't want me to leave and they were begging me to stay! It's amazing to see how God will use you in anyway to show his love; even if that means making a fool out of yourself!