Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Joy First...Then Food...

One thing I learnt about while on this trip is true meaning of joy. While we were in Mexico I had the opportunity to help hand out food hampers some of the local families. We focused specifically on the families who attended the church, or whose kids attended the Kids Club, which is put on by the church. Their thankfulness was evident as we were handing out the hampers. We also prayed for the families if they allowed us to, you could also see how thankful they were for our prayers. During the time we were in this specific area, we were blessed by so many gifts from the people. One of these gifts was a meal, which was worth an entire week of wages for a family. One lady we worked for also made us cookies; she would normally sell them to her neighbours. She also made us a piece of artwork; it would be worth enough to feed her family for quite a while. Even though they were living in poverty they were still joyful, and you could tell that it was not their possessions that gave them joy, but rather their joy came from God and from their relationships. They truly trusted God to provide for them, even though they were living in complete poverty. I was reminded again of how much we have, and how much we lack if we do not focus on what joy really is.

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