Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Tales of the Margarine Brigade

I had such an amazing time on this Mexifornia trip. Everywhere we went was sweet and was another opportunity to minister to the people around us. We basically spent the first few days getting to California and we spent around a week in a place called Mount Hermon which is like the richest, biggest and most amazing camp I've ever been to. The people there were super nice and they made us delicious food. On one of our days off we got the chance to go SURFING! It was a wicked time with many wipe-outs and many times being slamed against the ocean floor. It was a day filled with awesome near death experiences.
Then we were on our way to Mexico. San Carlos to be specific. Mexico was a really great time of service and allowed me to realize that you don't even need to be able to talk to someone to love them. I realized so many things on this trip, I already knew to not cling to matiral things but after watching some of the people and families out there who like literally had nothing, giving and giving to us. It just made me sick to my stomach thinking about how mad we get if we miss our show or how we're always trying to get the newest/biggest/shinniest thing.
We met so many cool loving people and we worked with such awesome people who I hope I never forget. If I get the chance I'd love to go back and do more work with the people out there.
Thanks for reading, I'll probably update more later.

1 comment:

  1. Happy to know that your Mexifornia trip was life altering.
