Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Salutations, I am going to blog about our teamwork experience night adventure. One night, Jeremy, Tyler and I went on a night adventure. It was a dark night, so we couldn't see. We found stairs leading into a dark abyss, and I, being the bravest, grabbed a feeling stick and lead the way. Tyler put his hand on my shoulder, and Jeremy on his, and slowly we made our way down the stairs together, into the forest. After about 10 minutes we reached the bottom of the stairs. Using my feeling stick, i found the edge of the cliff that dropped to the roaring river below. We travelled along the precarious path courageously, running into many obstacles and dangers along the way. It was getting darker, and we were beginning to lose hope that we would ever find our way out of the forest, when suddenly we saw a light in the distance! I began to lead them faster, feeling around vigorously with my feeling stick. We came up to the hairiest rope bridge, and carefully made our way across one at a time. Tyler and I made it safely across, and just as Jer was at the half way point, a board broke from beneath his foot! He fell through, barely clinging onto the next board with one hand.
"We both know what must be done", I said to Ty.
"Oh, Jordan, just be careful!"
I slowly eased my way onto the bridge, boards cracking beneath me. I managed to reach Jer, and grabbed his hand just as the next board snapped and fell, hurling into the depths below.
Jeremy was barely conscious from all the trauma he had experienced, so I threw him over my shoulder, and we decided to head back. We weren't sure how safe the bridge was at this point, so we quickly ran across at once and made it safely. By now I was an expert at using my feeling stick, so we made it back to the light quickly and safely. We laid Jer in a soft patch of grass and nursed him back to health.

And thus ends the teamwork experience night adventure.

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