Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Walmart, Water Fights & Spanish

We have had one normal day back at the camp, it feels so weird to be back! The trip was really good! It's good to be home, but I really enjoyed my time out there! God taught me many things while I was away. I was in Mexico this past February working at an orphanage, so I had already experienced the language barrier; so I thought going to Mexico again would be no problem with the language! When I got there the first Saturday we did our first kids program, I came into that problem thinking it would not be hard at all, but to my surprise it was very difficult. I thought the kids thought I was a crazy canadian and they probably did, but I know I was not giving my all to them. I let my insecurities of not knowing the language get in the way of relationship building! I was like to God, I don't remember it being this hard so I prayed about it for the rest of the kids programs. God taught me again that I don't need to know the language to have relationships with these kids. They actually quite enjoying laughing at me when I try to learn new words in Spanish. In the one village where we were cementing a church floor the way I got to know some girls were by them teaching me spanish words! At the end of those two days those girls didn't want me to leave and they were begging me to stay! It's amazing to see how God will use you in anyway to show his love; even if that means making a fool out of yourself!

My favorite part of the trip was when we went to a women's house who had two little sons, David and Caleb, and cleaned up their yard and built a fence. This women's husband was in jail, so she had to raise her two sons in a very small house and yard which was filled with rocks and weeds. I loved playing with the two boys and starting water fights. It's amazing how you can know one word "agua" (water) and motion pouring on head and a water fight begins! It was a really cool bonding time for me and the little kid, David. Every time he would get someone wet he would come and "pound it" it was so cute, and alot of fun!

Oh! Sleeping in the Wal Mart parking lot was alot of fun too! We had to sleep in the walmart parking lot because we were behind schedule, it was quite the experience! This happened in Idaho, and it was sure not warm out! Sleeping with shoes on in a sleeping bag isn't what I call comfortable! It is a memory I will always remember!

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