Tuesday, December 1, 2009

What I learned in Mexico!

Hi everybody! My name is Steph and I am going to tell you all about one of the things I learned while in Mexico. One of the days we went to a poor part of Guaymas, the city 20 minutes from where we were staying, and we helped build some stuff for these two young moms. At the one house that I was at we cleaned up the yard and built a fence in front of her house. I didn't really do to much physical work like that but I played with her 2 young sons and some of the neighbour boys. It was so much fun. Their names are Caleb (age 6), and David (age 5) and they were soooooo cute. Their mom makes money by selling these cookie type things and tin plaques. Even though she had so little she just gave and gave and gave anyway and trusted that God would provide her and her sons with whatever they needed. I saw this and was just blown away by this. I realized that no matter how much or how little "stuff" we have we should always give with all our hearts, minds, and souls and trust that God will provide us with whatever we need. When we got back we were all hit with "reverse culture shock" (as our OT prof put it) because we realized just how much we have and how little we give and these people in Mexico we went to minister to ended up ministering to us. So now I have been trying to think of ways I could help people around me in that same way.

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