Friday, December 11, 2009

Daniel: The Book

There are a few different themes about Daniel that people can learn from. The most important one that I am learning from at this point would be no compromise. Throughout the first five chapters of Daniel he shows a handful of situations where he does not compromise. In each of these situations that Daniel listens to God he grows, it seems to get easier for him to do what he knows God wants. He puts his feelings from God in front of what would be logical for us. Lately, as we have been going through class I have started to apply this to my life.

Over the course of old testament class we have been given a few quiz’s, which include a section at the end where we as students are aloud to right in how much reading we have done. This is worth a portion of our quiz’s that could determine a pass or a fail. Who’s to stop us from filling out a completion of reading, even if we haven’t completed any. It always seems the logical thing to do would be to get as many marks as we can. I know I have had times in my head were I have felt like filling in a completion even though I have not finished. The only thing holding me back from doing so would be my values, which I get from the bible. Cheating is not something that christians should get into. I have grown up taught not to cheat or lie, and now is a time where I am given a choice to take that in as my own way to live. The book of Daniel has just been that much more help to me in situations were I am given the choice to cheat or lie, knowing nobody will find out. Even if it is only one time, Daniel has really helped show us that God has a plan and even if there are things that look logical to us at the time it doesn’t mean that’s what God wants.

Tomorrow I am going snowboarding with some of my friends, and I have to cough up some money for a pass. I have been given the chance to get a free pass from a friend. This is tempting, but I know it would be wrong. Even if it is a small thing like this I am working hard not to compromise and I think God put this situation in my life for a reason. I will listen to God on this one and buy a pass.

These are just a few things which the book of Daniel is helping me with in my life. I wait for further test from God and I hope I can remember Daniel’s story during these times, and always look to God first.

Jeremy Klassen

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